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PBCH pseudorandom scrambling sequence



[seq,cinit] = ltePBCHPRBS(enb,n)returns a vector with the firstnoutputs of the Physical Broadcast Channel (PBCH) scrambling sequence when initialized with the structureenb. It also returns an initialization valuecinitfor the pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) generator.

[seq,cinit] = ltePBCHPRBS(enb,n,mapping)允许控制返回序列的格式,seq, with the inputmapping.

[subseq,cinit] = ltePBCHPRBS(enb,PN)returns a subsequence of a full PRBS sequence, specified byPN.

[subseq,cinit] = ltePBCHPRBS(enb,PN,mapping)allows control over the format of the returned subsequence,subseq, with the inputmapping.


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Scramble the MasterInformationBlock broadcast channel (BCCH) message.

创建一个初始化为RMC R.0的细胞范围的配置结构。Generate the MIB and coded BCH.

enb = lteRMCDL('r.0'); mib = lteMIB(enb); bchCoded = lteBCH(enb,mib);


pbchPrbsSeq = ltePBCHPRBS(enb,length(bchCoded)); scrambled = xor(pbchPrbsSeq, bchCoded);

Compare the PBCH scrambling sequence generated using both generic and PBCH-specific pseudorandom binary sequence generators.

创建一个初始化为RMC R.0的细胞范围的配置结构。生成用于物理层细胞身份的伪辅助二进制序列的前25位,ncellidusinglteprbsltepbchprbs.

enb = lteRMCDL('r.0'); prbsSeq = ltePRBS(enb.NCellID, 25); pbchPrbsSeq = ltePBCHPRBS(enb,25); isequal(prbsSeq,pbchPrbsSeq)
ans =logical1


Input Arguments

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细胞范围的设置,指定为结构。enbmust contain the following field.

Physical layer cell identity, specified as a scalar integer.

Data Types:double

Data Types:struct

Number of outputs, specified as a numeric scalar.

Data Types:double

Range of elements in returned subsequence,subseq, specified as a row vector of[p n]. The subsequence returnsnPRB Generator的值,从位置开始p(0-based).

Data Types:double

Output sequence formatting, specified as'binary'或者'signed'.mappingcontrols the format of the returned sequence.

  • 'binary'mapstrueto 1 andfalseto 0.

  • 'signed'mapstrueto –1 andfalseto 1.

Data Types:char|string

Output Arguments

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PBCH pseudorandom scrambling sequence, specified as a logical column vector or a numeric column vector.seqcontains the firstnoutputs of the physical broadcast channel (PBCH) scrambling sequence. If you setmappingto'signed', the output data type isdouble. Otherwise, the output data type islogical.

Data Types:logical|double

PBCH pseudorandom scrambling subsequence, specified as a logical column vector or a numeric column vector.subseqcontains the values of the PRBS generator specified byPN. If you setmappingto'signed', the output data type isdouble. Otherwise, the output data type islogical.

Data Types:logical|double

PRBS Generator的初始化值,返回为数字标量。

Data Types:uint32

